Welcome to the Gummer Connections Family History website
The word connection is an old one, which formerly was used frequently when people took greater interest in their relatives, close or distant, even if only related through marriage. Instead of sorting out exact relationships, as for example how many times removed was a distant cousin, the speaker would simply say, he’s a connection of mine or I’m connected with that family.
I came across this description of "connection" many years ago and it has always resonated with me. From that point Gummer Connections is how I have always thought of my endeavour to document and record my family's history however close or distant that connection may be.
I've become the keeper of old photos and documents that have been handed down to me over the years, or that have come into my possession. For the better part of the past 40 years I have been preoccupied with my family's history. A passion (some may say obsession) that was sparked by my Grandmother (Margaret Gummer). She had a drawer in her hutch where she kept her notes, some old photographs and family genealogies. One of these genealogies was of the Massey family. The William John Gummer branch of the family is connected to the Massey's through his marriage to Chloe Massey. A notable member of the Massey family, Vincent Massey, was Canada’s first Canadian born Governor General. I was amazed to learn that I was related to him. (albeit quite removed – 3rd cousin, 3 times removed)
Various school projects and assignments continued to fuel my genealogical passion especially with the Grade 3 Pioneer Life Social Studies unit. Our Grade 3 teacher, Jacqueline Beamish (cousin to my Grandmother, Margaret Gummer) took us on a class trip to a pioneer school in Peel Region, the Old Britannia Schoolhouse, where her brother Jim Potter, was acting as the headmaster of the school. I inherited, from Jim Potter, one of two wooden trunks that were used by Mary and John Ross in 1832 to bring their possessions with them from Scotland to Canada.
It my hope that this website will be a place to remember, preserve and share photos and stories about our connections.
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---Scott Gummer---